ITD, District 4 – US 26

The survey area consists of approximately 28.9 miles of US 26 from milepost 373.6 to 402.5 located near Swan Falls, ID to near Alpine, WY. The US 26 corridor was surveyed via Mobile LiDAR with the Optech Lynx Mobile LiDAR system in August of 2013. The mobile LiDAR data was collected at the request of ITD District 6 for future use in planning and design level projects related to the US 26 Highway corridor throughout this section. Primary Survey Control was established at 5 mile intervals throughout the project corridor by WHPacific survey crews via Static GPS sessions that were then submitted for processing through the NGS OPUS website. Secondary survey control was then established from the Primary control points at 500′ intervals along each edge of pavement using PK Nails with 18″ white crosses painted at each location that then visually appear in the LiDAR scan data which is used to control the final Mobile LiDAR solutions.

Data Type: Mobile
Area (sq. km): 2013-08-05 – 2013-08-07
Sensor: Optech Lynx Mobile LiDAR
Data vendor: WHPacific, Inc, Boise, ID

Metadata: Download XML Metadata

Data Contact
Travis Foster or Wade Christiansen
Agency: WHPacific, Inc, Boise, ID
Contact email: or

Data Download: Raw Point Clouds
Data from the ISU GISTrec can be downloaded at accelerated speed using GlobusOnline service.
ISU GIS Trec (available using GlobusOnline)

Download KML: ITD_District4_US26.kml