The project area consisted of a polygon totally approximately 17 square Km located 30 kilometers northwest of the city of Twin Falls, Idaho. The project area was flown on Monday, December 18, 2006.
Data Type: Airborne
Area (sq. km): 25
Acquisition Date: 2006-12-18
Point density: 3
Sensor: Optech ALTM 2033
Data vendor: NCALM
Area (sq. km): 25
Acquisition Date: 2006-12-18
Point density: 3
Sensor: Optech ALTM 2033
Data vendor: NCALM
Data Contact
Contact: William E. Dietrich
Contact email:
Contact: William E. Dietrich
Contact email:
Data Download: Raw Point Clouds
Data from the ISU GISTrec can be downloaded at accelerated speed using GlobusOnline service.
ISU GIS Trec (available using GlobusOnline)
Data from the ISU GISTrec can be downloaded at accelerated speed using GlobusOnline service.
ISU GIS Trec (available using GlobusOnline)
Download KML: Box_Canyon.kml