The Coeur d’ Alene River LiDAR Acquisition Task Order is to provide high accuracy bare-earth processed LiDAR data suitable for FEMA National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP) for approximately 112 square miles.
The project consisted of acquisition, post-processing, and classification of LiDAR data. The classified bare-earth data achieved the following: nominal horizontal spacing of 0.7 meters based on the Universal Transverse Mercator, Zone 11, related to the North American Datum of 1983 (NSRS2007). Vertical accuracy was to achieve a Fundamental Vertical Accuarcy at a 95% confidence level of less than 18.5cm in the “Open Terrain” land cover category.
Accuracy statement is based on the area of moderate to flat terrain. Diminished accuracies are to be expected in areas in dense vegetation. The accuracy of the LiDAR data as tested met the vertical accuracy of 18.5 centimeters or less standards, however, derived products may be less accurate in areas of dense vegetation due to a lesser number of points defining the bare-earth in these areas.
Area (sq. km): 477.2
Acquisition Date: 2009-06-02
Sensor: Optech Gemini ALTM
Data vendor: Aero-Metric, Inc., Sheboygan, WI
Data from the ISU GISTrec can be downloaded at accelerated speed using GlobusOnline service.
ISU GIS Trec (available using GlobusOnline)
Bare-earth DEM raster (ISU GIS Trec – available using GlobusOnline)
Intensity raster (ISU GIS Trec – available using GlobusOnline)
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