The lidar survey was conducted by vendor Parametrix, a LiDAR company. Lidar instrument Optech ALTM-2033 was flown with Cessna 337 over the period of 13 and 24 Oct 2007. The data were delivered in ASCII format with information on Ground Last Return, Extracted Features 1st Return, Extracted Features Last Return, All Shots 1st Return, All Shots Last Return, Model Keypoints. The primary goal of the study is to provide operational implementation of LiDAR technology in support of project level planning. The proposed applications of LiDAR in support of planning are: vegetation structural modeling, erosion modeling, fuels, transportation planning, timber system planning, wildlife habitat modeling, and stream quality. The Rocky Mountain Research Station will provide the development of peer-reviewed forest structural metrics and technical support in implementation of LiDAR technology. The technical specifications have been defined to specifically support vegetation modeling using LiDAR data. The project area consists of one contiguous blocks totaling 5741 hectares in Jack Waite Mine, Murray, Idaho. The project area consists of moderately variable topographic configurations with diverse vegetation components.
Data Type: Airborne
Area (sq. km): 53.2392
Acquisition Date: 2007-10-13 – 2007-10-24
Sensor: Optech ALTM 2033
Data vendor: Parametrix
Metadata: Download XML Metadata
Contact: John Schwandt
Agency: USDA Forest Service – Idaho Panhandle National Forests
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