South Fork Salmon and Secesh Rivers

These LAS and associated files cover areas of the Payette and Boise National Forests, Idaho, and were collected for and processed by the USDA Forest Service, Moscow, ID in cooperation with Watershed Sciences Inc. of Corvalis Oregon, as a part of a project to use LiDAR to study wildfire effects on forest canopy structure and hillslope erosion patterns. Data included with this set include the original .las data tiles (317 total .las files named “Bin_001.las” through “Bin_317.las”), a shapefile delimiting the extent and placement of all of these tiles (SF_Salmon-Secesh_bins.shp), another shapefile delimiting the total extent (boundary) of the data (SF_Salmon-Secesh_20mUTM_ROI.shp), and a vendor’s report in PDF format detailing the data collection, processing, and error-checking steps (SF_Salmon_LiDAR_Report.pdf). The data are in LAS 1.0 format with information on return number, easting, northing, elevation, scan angle, number of returns of given pulse, intensity, user data, point source ID, and GPS time.

Data Type: Airborne
Area (sq. km): 141.67
Acquisition Date: 2008-09-01
Point density: 4
Sensor: Leica ALS50 Phase II
Data vendor: Watershed Sciences, Corvallis, OR

Vendor Report: SF_Salmon_LiDAR_Report.pdf
Metadata: Download XML Metadata

Data Contact
Andrew Hudak
Agency: Rocky Mountain Research Station, Moscow
Contact email:

Data Download: Raw Point Clouds
Data from the ISU GISTrec can be downloaded at accelerated speed using GlobusOnline service.

Data Download: Online Value-added Products
Bare-earth DEM
Hillshade Surface
Slope Surface
Processed Bare-earth DEM (1m) (available using GlobusOnline)

Peer-reviewed Publications
[zotpress tag_name=’SoForkSal, Secesh’ download=’yes’]

Download KML: Salmon_River_Area.kml