Horizons, Inc. was contracted by Bureau of Reclamation Boise to provide detailed high-accuracy data for hydraulic analysis and soil classification projects by the Bureau and the NRCS. The project emcompassed an area of approximately 150 square miles. LiDAR acquisition was obtained on December 9, 2003 at 8000′ AMT by subcontractor EarthData Aviation. The Navajo Chieftain (tail number N62912) was equipped with an LH System ALS40 LiDAR system including an inertial measuring unit (IMU) and a dual frequency airborne GPS receiver. LiDAR data was collected with a 2.0 to 2.2 meter nominal post spacing, 25 percent field of view and a 30 percent overlap. Ground control survey was conducted by subcontractor DJ&A of Missoula, MT. LiDAR data processing included processing of the raw LiDAR data through a minimum block algorithm to classify points as bare-earth or non-bare earth. Points were edited in 2D using imagery, intensity of the LiDAR reflection and tin-editing software to ensure accuracy of the automated feature classification. Final delivery included Acquisition/Processing Report, Flight Map, Raw LiDAR data, Intensity Image, Bare Earth DEM and First Return DEM.
Area (sq. km): 395.106
Acquisition Date: 2003-12-09
Sensor: Leica ALS40
Data vendor: Horizon Inc.
Contact: Donna Pitzer
Agency: Bureau of Reclamation, Snake River Area Office
Contact email: dPitzer@pn.usbr.gov
Data from the ISU GISTrec can be downloaded at accelerated speed using GlobusOnline service.
ISU GIS Trec (available using GlobusOnline)
Bare Earth DEM (2-meter) (ISU GIS Trec – available using GlobusOnline)
Digital Surface Model (2-meter) (ISU GIS Trec – available using GlobusOnline)
Intensity raster (ISU GIS Trec – available using GlobusOnline)